online gambling in india quora

online gambling in india quora

Online Gambling in India: A Quora ConvoUser: Is online gambling legal in India? Expert: Thats a tricky one. The Public Gambling Act of 1867 generally prohibits gambling, but its complex. User: But I see so many online casinos advertising? Expert: Yes, its a gray area. State governments have some control over gambling laws, and some have allowed online lotteries or skillbased games. User: What about fantasy sports? Expert: Fantasy sports are generally considered games of skill, so theyre often legal. However, specific rules vary. User: Okay, so what risks are there in online gambling? Expert: Huge ones! Theres addiction, financial loss, and even fraud. Be careful with who you play with and ensure the platform is legitimate. User: Any tips for staying safe? Expert: Set a budget and stick to it. Dont chase losses. Only gamble with money you can afford to lose. Take breaks. Know the rules of the games you play.User: Thanks for the insights! Expert: Youre welcome! Remember, gambling should be entertainment, not a way to make money.

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